Hello, I'm Reezy, for those of you wondering, no that's not my real name, it's a nickname. I don't believe in posting my ACTUAL name for the following reasons.
1. You might be a creeper who's 80-years old and looking to molest an innocent little girl like myself.
2. Grandpa get off your computer and stop looking at little girls' blogs. I've told you once, maybe three million times, they don't like your candy and probably never will.
I'm turning 16 in a bout two days, if you want to wish me a happy birthday, don't. I didn't start this last week so I don't want any 'HAPPY SWEET SIXTEENS' it's just not proper. Maybe in a week you can all wish me one. Except it'll have to be; 'HAPPY LATE SWEET SIXTEEN' cause your late.
If it makes you feel ANY better, I'm not doing this to be famous, or get money like 'Hyperbole-and-a-Half' which I read religiously; but i am doing this because I feel the need to spread my awesomeness to other people. If this ever became my occupation I might feel an eternal sadness within myself, no offense to all you people who think blogging would be an awesome career choice. We as a society need people like you to lead the younger generations though the actual events of awesomeness.
For example, I'm beginning to hate being criticized for being different or weird. So I'm raising awareness for all those people who didn't get a hug today. That from Reezy; and you can tell your friends this: you got a hug from me and now you probably feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
If you must know, I'm not one to blog, not even a little. But i got tired of writing journals that i decided i needed a blog to satisfy my needs. I'm no longer going to write journals, I'll probably write a final farewell to those people who loved my journals, well not that many people did. However I'll have to put up the link to this blog.
For some reason I felt like narrating that, I have absolutely no idea. Want to know why? Because those people who I link this to are going to be like
and when they get there it'll turn into:
stop feeling special, your no different than everyone else who found my blog on their own. :D
I'm very cynical when it comes to talking to people, I would like you to know none of you are special cases.
You know today I was so bored on the bus I decided to come up with the definition to the word: "Cryptic" why? I have no idea.
But this is my definition.
See this is NOT copying Hyperbole-and-a-Half... in a way it is cause like I said I read it religiously, but honestly.... sometimes I might actually use images i find from Google, and I have NO idea how to screen-shot, now the above picture is supposed to be a joke.
But clearly you're not laughing, so the joke isn't funny.
At any rate, I feel the need to throw in a random zombie apocalypse invasion scenario here.
10 places not to be when a zombie Apocalypse happens:
1. Hitch Hiking along the road.
2. At the school during a fire drill
3. Mowing your lawn with a really loud mower
4. Playing COD (Call Of Duty(online(With headset)))
5. Any type of concert
6. Funeral. Of a celebrity, or president.
7. Bathroom of Wal-Mart (why I say Wal-Mart instead of anywhere else is because its busy there even after 3 AM)
8. Playing Freeze-tag
9. Watching NONSTOP LOTR (Lord of The Rings)
10. China.
I agree with all of those, and so does my mother, who just brought me chinese food, which I 'LOL'd' at.
I think this is all very good for a first post, I'm still hoping people will read, EVEN IF I DON'T WANT TO BE FAMOUS (which everyone secretly does in case if you didn't ninja your way through reading between the lines :) )
One last thing, DRAGONS AND PHOENIX'S WILL ALWAYS WIN. If you do not believe me, then find all the Greek mythology and recent myth creatures you can and have a war with your friends on facecrack(facebook). Because it gets very intense. There's light saber fights, and ninja stars, and sometimes WWIII happens, it's just really fucked up :) But Reezy recommends it. For example: ask a friend, "Doppelganger or Nymph" or "Phoenix or Dragon". WWIII isn't funny.