Has anyone here seen the new "Rebecca Black Friday" song? SO TERRIBLE, don't even search it up, I watched it and its just terrible, its like listening to an auto-tuned cat with rabies.Not to mention she sings about the most ridiculous stuff, like "Should i sit in the front or back seat?" well the front seats are taken, so your stuck with the back seat bitch. seriously, get in the back. And stop singing, this is why we have radio. And secondly stop dragging your i-pod around to auto-tune everything you say, the school voted; we hate that.
Not to mention she has this whole thing where she tells you the days of the week, what is that?! oh yeah, wait... Thursday comes BEFORE Friday?! what the satanic voodoo witch craft is that?! D: Saturday and Sunday comes afterward? did anyone else realize this?! Thanks Rebecca Black for teaching me something that kindergarten didn't get to enough! However Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are not in the music video their tribute was known, but were sorry to announce Rebecca black only likes the days between Thursday-Sunday. Because her friends will actually put up with her auto-tune then.
On a different subject, I went up to Ottawa for a week or so, and it was so enjoyable! It was the possible, FIRST time I've ever been on a city bus, and probably not going to be my last. Oh and if your going to the art center make sure you don't bump into old people, they get angry. Very. Easily.
A good game is Fable, so far I've only played the first two, but I'm sure the third one might be good too.
^Product placement is not smiled upon.
^ This means im not happy with my actions.
^I'm sorry to all my viewers who are mad at me now.
Anyways! If i had the ability to grow a mustache whenever i wanted i think i would want a french one. A french stache from the 1800's why? because they could kill everyone. Those things were so hard core.
I would twist it, and make braiding clubs. and everyone would braid my stache as if it were their own.
They would enjoy it too.
Slander-beaking: i heard it from a Ke$ha video, don't be mad, i really don't like her. No really, i don't. But i thought the word was funny, so i was like "that should be my new title" and it is. so :D yay. They might not have even said slander-beaking either. they might have just said "slander-speaking" or "squid." or maybe "Chuck Norris likes unicorns too" in a fashion that is only the ut-most importance and seriousness.
Anyways, i figured you should all know i ran into a hobo on the street. And it wasn't like "HAHA i want to take this hobo home with me and keep him as a pet" which is how i first felt when i met my first hobo, he was awesome.
It was more like "OMG SO SCARED" when i met this one, cause he had two broken legs and I'm pretty sure he was blind in one eye and he kept saying "so you live in canada eh? Well i hope you kow everytime you take a step theres three feet from one foot to the other! And i bet you've never been to the Bahama's!" And it was like, just cause I'm Canadian doesn't mean i hadn't been to the Bahama's! However... No i hadn't been to the bahama's so.. well played hobo.
No he didn't actually have an eye patch, if he did i wouldn't be 'Slander-beaking' his way.
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